Sunday, December 23, 2012

The Word Problem Of Mathematics

About the story of math is math related to daily life to search for the solution using a mathematical phrase that contains numbers, arithmetic operations (+, -, ×, :), and relations (=, <,>, ≤, ≥) (Rahardjo and Astuti, 2011:8). Tapilouw in Jasti (2008:8) states that "mathematics is a form of a story about a math problem that is expressed in a sentence that needs to be translated into mathematical notation sentence". While Saragih in Jasti (2008:8) states that math story problems is a matter that is presented in the form of short stories that are meaningful, so that a student's understanding of the story is not just a matter of computing factor alone but more than that students must first understand the meaning of a sentence by sentence of the matter, then make a mathematical model, calculating (computing), and then interpret the results obtained in the original question.

Based on the various opinions, it is a matter of math story problems presented in the form of short stories meaningful and related to everyday life that needs to be translated into mathematical notation sentence.

To finish the story about the student must learn to translate a problem situation into a sentence or mathematical notation. Sentence or mathematical notation is a sentence or a complete mathematical notation indicates a problem situation and indicated operations and what is required. It is based on the statement Troutman and Betty (1982:266) that "to solve word problems, children must learn to translate a problem situation into a number sentence or number expression. It is the number sentence or expression that compactly represents the problem situation and indicates roomates operations are to be performed and in what order ".

The steps to solve problems presented by mathematics stories Soedjadi in Muncarno (2008:2), namely:
(1) read about the story carefully to capture the meaning of each sentence, (2) separate and express, in terms of what is known, what is known about, workmanship count what is required, (3) developing a mathematical model of the problem, (4 ) completed in accordance with the rules of mathematical models that get an answer from that question, (5) returns the answer to the answers to the original models.

Skemp in Rahardjo and Astuti (2011: 13) also suggested steps to resolve the matter of the story is: "(1) understanding the problem, (2) mathematical modeling, (3) manipulation of the mathematical model, (4) to interpret the the original problem."

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