Thursday, December 27, 2012

Errors in Problem Solving Story

The errors of students in solving problems closely related stories difficulties experienced by students in solving story problems. Difficulties in resolving the matter of the story students, according to Ahmad Syafri in Rahardjo and Astuti (2011: 14) can be broadly classified as follows.
  • Difficulty in understanding the issues (problems), the difficulty in determining what is known and what is being asked in the matter. 
  • Difficulties in the settlement plan, which is about the difficulty in translating the story into the model (phrase) mathematics. 
  • Difficulty in completing the plan, the difficulty in resolving models (phrase) mathematics.
  • Difficulty in seeing (check) returns results that have been obtained. 
  • The difficulty in interpreting the answers to the situation of the problem contained in the matter.

Sudjono in Supin (2001:8) describes some of the difficulties in solving the problem in terms of a psychological story is:
  • Students do not understand what is read, due to the lack of knowledge of some terms that do not know, whether from foreign languages ​​or from traditional languages.
  • Students are not able to live up to what is described in the matter, due to the events in question are not in accordance with the student experience. 
  • Students are not able to choose the mathematical concepts that are relevant to the demands of matter in developing a mathematical model. 
  • Students are not capable of computing (the math). In this case also means that the students already know conceptually counting regulations, but many can count finished insufficient servings specified time, or there are many wrong answers students because they lack accuracy.

Based on the difficulties of solving the problem raised by the story and Soedjono Syafri Ahmad, the general errors that may occur in solving story problems are (1) an error in determining the things that are known to the matter, (2) difficulty in determining things that are asked by the question, (3) errors in the mathematical model, (4) errors in computing, and (5) errors in interpreting the results obtained.
According to Allan L.White (2005:17) errors in solving math problems include:
a.       Reading Errrors (R)
Errors will be classified as a reading if students can not read key words or symbols written on the issue. This discourages students perform the next procedure in the proper groove problem solving.
b.      Comprehension Errors (C)
Students have been able to read all the words in question, but do not understand the whole meaning of the words, so that students are not able to move further along the grooves solving the right problem.
c.       Transformation Errors (T)
Students have been able to understand what the question is to be found but was unable to identify the operation or sequence of operations, which are necessary to solve the problem.
d.      Process Skills Errors (P)
Students recognize the corresponding operation or sequence of operations but did not know the procedures necessary to carry out operations accurately.
e.      Encoding Errors (E)
Students correctly solve the solution of a problem, but the solution cannot be expressed in the form of proper notation.

From the description of the types of errors completing a math problem above in relation to the type of errors in solving math story problems. Types of mistakes made by students in solving math story problems can be determined based on step-by-step story about the settlement. Reading and comprehension errors are misunderstanding about the story. In the aspect of the student should be able to read the entire sentence and look for important information when reading and understanding about the story. In the aspect of mathematical modeling, students can perform transformation errors, it is because students are not able to change the sentence into a sentence about math. Process skill errors are errors in the process of completing math story problems. In this case, students make the mistake of computing the student made a mistake in arithmetic operations or procedural errors. While encoding errors is error infer that students cannot write about the conclusions in the context of the question.

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